Mastering Python
Python is a general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented and high-level programming language. Currently Python is the most popular Language in IT. Python adopted as a language of choice for almost all the domain in IT including Web Development, Cloud Computing (AWS, OpenStack, VMware, Google Cloud, etc.. ), Infrastructure Automations , Software Testing, Mobile Testing, Big Data and Hadoop, Data Science, etc. This course to set you on a journey in python by playing with data, creating your own application, and also testing the same. We call this course as Python for Everyone. myTectra offers Python Training in Bangalore,Chennai, Pune using Class Room. myTectra offers Live Online Python Training Globally.
Chaper 1: An Introduction to Python
Chapter 2: Beginning Python Basics
2.1. The print statement
2.3. Python Data Structures & Data Types
2.4. String Operations in Python
2.5. Simple Input & Output
2.6. Simple Output Formatting
Chapter 3: Python Program Flow
3.1. Indentation
3.2. The If statement and its' related statement
3.3. An example with if and it's related statement
3.4. The while loop
3.5. The for loop
3.6. The range statement
3.7. Break & Continue
3.8. Assert
3.9. Examples for looping
Chapter 4: Functions & Modules
4.1. Create your own functions
4.2. Functions Parameters
4.3. Variable Arguments
4.4. Scope of a Function
4.5. Function Documentation/Docstrings
4.6. Lambda Functions & map
4.7. An Exercise with functions
4.8. Create a Module
4.9. Standard Modules
Chapter 5: Exceptions
5.1. Errors
5.2. Exception Handling with try
5.3. Handling Multiple Exceptions
5.4. Writing your own Exceptions
Chapter 6: File Handling
6.1. File Handling Modes
6.2. Reading Files
6.3. Writing & Appending to Files
6.4. Handling File Exceptions
6.5. The with statement
Chapter 7: Classes In Python
7.1. New Style Classes
7.2. Creating Classes
7.3. Instance Methods
7.4. Inheritance
7.6. Exception Classes & Custom Exceptions
Chapter 8: Regular Expressions
8.1 Simple Character Matches
8.2 Special Characters
8.3 Character Classes
8.4 Quantifiers
8.5 The Dot Character
8.6 Greedy Matches
8.7 Grouping
8.8 Matching at Beginning or End
8.9Match Objects
8.10 Substituting
8.11 Splitting a String
8.12 Compiling Regular Expressions
8.13 Flags
Chapter 9: Data Structures
9.1 List Comprehensions
9.2 Nested List Comprehensions
9.3 Dictionary Comprehensions
9.4 Functions
9.5 Default Parameters
9.6 Variable Arguments
9.7 Specialized Sorts
9.8 Iterators
9.9 Generators
9.10 The Functions any and all
9.11 The with Statement
9.12 Data Compression
Chapter 10: Writing GUIs in Python
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Components and Events
10.3 An Example GUI
10.4 The root Component
10.5 Adding a Button
10.6 Entry Widgets
10.7 Text Widgets
10.8 Checkbuttons
10.9 Radiobuttons
10.11 Frames
10.12 Menus
10.13 Binding Events to Widgets
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